Saturday, 28 November 2009

Interview 2 Update

Since publishing Interview 2, I've had the following correspondence with Z:

Me: After a paddling, how long did pain/discomfort last? (Ten minutes, and hour, a few days, etc.) Did you have to refrain from sitting, etc.?

Z: pretty much for the rest of the day but you really didnt have a choice you had to sit down or you would just get more licks

Me: About how many paddlings were given out on a daily basis at your school? Were paddlings a big deal or just a part of everyday life?

Could you be sent for licks at any time immediately or was it only at designated times?

Z: Couldnt really tell but a lot. yeah i thought it was too big of a deal but whatever time of the day only time they didnt give licks was at night then they just made you do some rediculous excercise.

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