Saturday, 28 November 2009
Wanna see this guy spanked?
This is Basshunter, a Swedish musician. He recently appeared on Nevermind the Buzz Cocks, a British TV trivia show about music, where he was spanked by Little Britain's David Walliams for poor performance. To see it, go to youtube or BBC's website. Type in "basshunter spanked". It's a really cute clip and he is hot. Nice bum too. Good lead up and excellent follow through.
Interview 2 Update
Since publishing Interview 2, I've had the following correspondence with Z:
Me: After a paddling, how long did pain/discomfort last? (Ten minutes, and hour, a few days, etc.) Did you have to refrain from sitting, etc.?
Z: pretty much for the rest of the day but you really didnt have a choice you had to sit down or you would just get more licks
Me: About how many paddlings were given out on a daily basis at your school? Were paddlings a big deal or just a part of everyday life?
Could you be sent for licks at any time immediately or was it only at designated times?
Z: Couldnt really tell but a lot. yeah i thought it was too big of a deal but whatever time of the day only time they didnt give licks was at night then they just made you do some rediculous excercise.
Me: After a paddling, how long did pain/discomfort last? (Ten minutes, and hour, a few days, etc.) Did you have to refrain from sitting, etc.?
Z: pretty much for the rest of the day but you really didnt have a choice you had to sit down or you would just get more licks
Me: About how many paddlings were given out on a daily basis at your school? Were paddlings a big deal or just a part of everyday life?
Could you be sent for licks at any time immediately or was it only at designated times?
Z: Couldnt really tell but a lot. yeah i thought it was too big of a deal but whatever time of the day only time they didnt give licks was at night then they just made you do some rediculous excercise.
Interview 4
After sending my initial survey request to student 4, I got the following response:
Hello B,
Sorry it took me so long to respond. At Chamberlain-Hunt, we don't have access to facebook, and I just got on break. I would be more than happy to answer some questions for you. Now, I've stayed out of trouble and haven't been the recipient of corporal discipline as of yet, but I have witnessed the way it affects some of my schoolmates. What is your position (for or against) on corporal discipline?
I sent the survey back to him, encouraging him to answer from what he knew about others' experiences. He didn't quite do that, but instead focused on his own childhood spankings.
1. Did you receive corporal punishment whilst growing up?
I did receive corporal punishment in the form of spankings when I was younger, and I have friends who have and do receive it at school.
2. If so, do you feel that corporal punishment worked for you? What sort of effects, if any, did it have on your behavior?
I think it did work for me, and it made me want to behave better.
3. Do you feel that corporal punishment was the best punitive option for you, or might other forms of punishment have worked better?
At the time, I believe it was the best. I wasn't at the age yet where anything could be taken from me for discipline, and spankings generally got my attention. Also, groundings or things taken away as disciplinary measures normally made/make me mad, whereas corporal discipline was over and done with, I got the message, and it actually helped me to love my parents more.
4. How frequently did you experience corporal punishment at home or at school (rarely, monthly, weekly, etc.)?
I received corporal discipline as needed. When I misbehaved or disobeyed, I would receive spankings, generally from my dad.
5. Under what circumstances was corporal punishment administered? (For all offences, only major offences, etc.)
It wasn't administered for all offenses, but they (my parents) were not afraid to give it when I needed it.
6. Do you feel that embarrassment or humiliation played a part in these punishments? Or was it strictly the infliction of pain?
Embarrassment or humiliation didn't play a huge role in the discipline. It was mainly the pain that made me want to not get another spanking.
7. Did you feel fear toward those who administered the punishments (before, during, after, always, etc.)
I felt fear to a certain extent, but all discipline was done in love, and I somewhat understood that even at a young age. After virtually every spanking that I remember, I immediately hugged the parent who administered the discipline. I didn't like getting spankings, and I cried after many of them, but I loved my parents even more. So while I did somewhat fear what they could do, I knew that they loved me and it even helped me to love them back.
8. Where did you receive corporal punishment (at home, school, etc.) Do you feel that it was appropriate in these locations?
I received it generally at home, in a room with no one else. And I did feel like it was appropriate.
9. On what portion(s) of your anatomy was corporal punishment administered? Was clothing removed or left in place during punishments? If clothing was removed, did you feel that this was appropriate?
Corporal discipline was generally administered on the rear. Clothing was occasionally removed, but not so much in my cases. Since it was my parents, I did feel like it was appropriate.
10. What implements (if any) were used? (Paddle, belt, etc.) Did you feel that these were appropriate?
My dad sometimes used his belt. It hurt, but it was appropriate. It was meant to get my attention, and it certainly did.
11. What positions were you required to adopt for the punishment (over a knee, bent over, etc.)? Did you feel that this position was appropriate?
They had me bend over sometimes. And it was appropriate in that it became an easier position to administer the discipline and helped to get my attention.
12. From whom did you receive corporal punishment? (Parents, teachers, etc.)
I received it from my parents, but now I do have schoolmates who receive it from school administrators.
13. Did you ever feel that punishments were abusive or inappropriate?
No, I always believe it was appropriate. Sometimes it may seem like they're just being strict or overbearing, but looking back I know that they always had a good reason.
14. Would you use corporal punishment on your children or encourage others to use it on them?
Yes I would. I know its effects from feeling it from my parents and seeing my schoolmates' reactions to it, and I do believe the statement "Spare the rod, spoil the child" is a true one. I know how it can help, so I would use it and encourage others to do so.
15. Between what ages did you receive corporal punishment? Did you receive it more so at certain ages? Did
the degree or style of punishment alter with age?
I received it moreso when I was younger, but not so much because of my age, but more because I got the picture as I got older. I started doing what I was supposed to do, and it was no longer as necessary. And as I got older, my dad began to make it somewhat more painful to get my attention more (i.e. by using his belt).
16. Did punishments ever result in marks (redness, welts, stripes, bruises, etc.)?
I didn't notice any marks, but the discipline wasn't in an area that I could see readily.
17. How many swats/strokes/slaps did you generally receive? Did it vary based on the offence?
I received different numbers of licks depending on what I did. Sometimes 3, sometimes 5 - it varied to a point. It was generally between 3 and 5 though.
18. Did others witness your punishments or were they kept private? Were others aware of your punishments (as in able to hear them taking place or hear about them through word of mouth)? Was it appropriate that others saw/heard/knew about these punishments?
The discipline was administered in private. Sometimes my siblings knew I was getting spanked, but I don't remember a single time they were allowed to see it. And I thought that it was appropriate that they knew about it, because they received the same thing and it showed that I wasn't getting special treatment.
19. Did you witness/hear about others being punished? Did you feel it was appropriate, if so?
I knew about some times when my siblings received spankings, and I thought it was appropriate because that was the discipline my parents chose to use, and I knew that they weren't getting treated better than I was.
20. After a paddling, how long would pain/discomfort last? (Ten minutes, and hour, a few days, etc.) Did you have to refrain from sitting, etc.?
The pain itself might have lasted for a few minutes, and I could sit down fine, but I remembered the pain and didn't want to have to feel it again.
I hope this helps! All in all, I think corporal discipline is effective, it gets the point across, and as long as it's done in love and not in an abusive manner then I support it as a manner of discipline.
Hello B,
Sorry it took me so long to respond. At Chamberlain-Hunt, we don't have access to facebook, and I just got on break. I would be more than happy to answer some questions for you. Now, I've stayed out of trouble and haven't been the recipient of corporal discipline as of yet, but I have witnessed the way it affects some of my schoolmates. What is your position (for or against) on corporal discipline?
I sent the survey back to him, encouraging him to answer from what he knew about others' experiences. He didn't quite do that, but instead focused on his own childhood spankings.
1. Did you receive corporal punishment whilst growing up?
I did receive corporal punishment in the form of spankings when I was younger, and I have friends who have and do receive it at school.
2. If so, do you feel that corporal punishment worked for you? What sort of effects, if any, did it have on your behavior?
I think it did work for me, and it made me want to behave better.
3. Do you feel that corporal punishment was the best punitive option for you, or might other forms of punishment have worked better?
At the time, I believe it was the best. I wasn't at the age yet where anything could be taken from me for discipline, and spankings generally got my attention. Also, groundings or things taken away as disciplinary measures normally made/make me mad, whereas corporal discipline was over and done with, I got the message, and it actually helped me to love my parents more.
4. How frequently did you experience corporal punishment at home or at school (rarely, monthly, weekly, etc.)?
I received corporal discipline as needed. When I misbehaved or disobeyed, I would receive spankings, generally from my dad.
5. Under what circumstances was corporal punishment administered? (For all offences, only major offences, etc.)
It wasn't administered for all offenses, but they (my parents) were not afraid to give it when I needed it.
6. Do you feel that embarrassment or humiliation played a part in these punishments? Or was it strictly the infliction of pain?
Embarrassment or humiliation didn't play a huge role in the discipline. It was mainly the pain that made me want to not get another spanking.
7. Did you feel fear toward those who administered the punishments (before, during, after, always, etc.)
I felt fear to a certain extent, but all discipline was done in love, and I somewhat understood that even at a young age. After virtually every spanking that I remember, I immediately hugged the parent who administered the discipline. I didn't like getting spankings, and I cried after many of them, but I loved my parents even more. So while I did somewhat fear what they could do, I knew that they loved me and it even helped me to love them back.
8. Where did you receive corporal punishment (at home, school, etc.) Do you feel that it was appropriate in these locations?
I received it generally at home, in a room with no one else. And I did feel like it was appropriate.
9. On what portion(s) of your anatomy was corporal punishment administered? Was clothing removed or left in place during punishments? If clothing was removed, did you feel that this was appropriate?
Corporal discipline was generally administered on the rear. Clothing was occasionally removed, but not so much in my cases. Since it was my parents, I did feel like it was appropriate.
10. What implements (if any) were used? (Paddle, belt, etc.) Did you feel that these were appropriate?
My dad sometimes used his belt. It hurt, but it was appropriate. It was meant to get my attention, and it certainly did.
11. What positions were you required to adopt for the punishment (over a knee, bent over, etc.)? Did you feel that this position was appropriate?
They had me bend over sometimes. And it was appropriate in that it became an easier position to administer the discipline and helped to get my attention.
12. From whom did you receive corporal punishment? (Parents, teachers, etc.)
I received it from my parents, but now I do have schoolmates who receive it from school administrators.
13. Did you ever feel that punishments were abusive or inappropriate?
No, I always believe it was appropriate. Sometimes it may seem like they're just being strict or overbearing, but looking back I know that they always had a good reason.
14. Would you use corporal punishment on your children or encourage others to use it on them?
Yes I would. I know its effects from feeling it from my parents and seeing my schoolmates' reactions to it, and I do believe the statement "Spare the rod, spoil the child" is a true one. I know how it can help, so I would use it and encourage others to do so.
15. Between what ages did you receive corporal punishment? Did you receive it more so at certain ages? Did
the degree or style of punishment alter with age?
I received it moreso when I was younger, but not so much because of my age, but more because I got the picture as I got older. I started doing what I was supposed to do, and it was no longer as necessary. And as I got older, my dad began to make it somewhat more painful to get my attention more (i.e. by using his belt).
16. Did punishments ever result in marks (redness, welts, stripes, bruises, etc.)?
I didn't notice any marks, but the discipline wasn't in an area that I could see readily.
17. How many swats/strokes/slaps did you generally receive? Did it vary based on the offence?
I received different numbers of licks depending on what I did. Sometimes 3, sometimes 5 - it varied to a point. It was generally between 3 and 5 though.
18. Did others witness your punishments or were they kept private? Were others aware of your punishments (as in able to hear them taking place or hear about them through word of mouth)? Was it appropriate that others saw/heard/knew about these punishments?
The discipline was administered in private. Sometimes my siblings knew I was getting spanked, but I don't remember a single time they were allowed to see it. And I thought that it was appropriate that they knew about it, because they received the same thing and it showed that I wasn't getting special treatment.
19. Did you witness/hear about others being punished? Did you feel it was appropriate, if so?
I knew about some times when my siblings received spankings, and I thought it was appropriate because that was the discipline my parents chose to use, and I knew that they weren't getting treated better than I was.
20. After a paddling, how long would pain/discomfort last? (Ten minutes, and hour, a few days, etc.) Did you have to refrain from sitting, etc.?
The pain itself might have lasted for a few minutes, and I could sit down fine, but I remembered the pain and didn't want to have to feel it again.
I hope this helps! All in all, I think corporal discipline is effective, it gets the point across, and as long as it's done in love and not in an abusive manner then I support it as a manner of discipline.
Stag Don't
Vintage Photo
This genuine vintage photo depicts a kangaroo court style paddling at a mining camp. Most of the men seem to be smiling do it must have been light hearted. The lad in the hot doesn't seem to be laughing though. Who knows what he did to get in this predicament? Points for anyone who write a story for this one.
Heads and Tails
FUCT wheel of torture
These images are of a comedy troupe called FUCT (Fordham University Comdey Troupe--I believe). They have a pre-show that involves a Wheel of Torture. Lucky audience members get to spin the wheel and select a performer to torture. One of the tortures is a paddling with the fuct paddle. This group, all male except for one, have a great website with lots of pictures and video. They are also on myspace and youtube. Search for them on google by typing in fuct nyc.
Monday, 23 November 2009
Member's Challenge
Hi all, Thanks for being wonderful member. I hope you enjoy the interviews below. I assure you these are real (at least in so far as I didn't make them up, they are from genuine people from a military school in Mississippi).
Now, here's a little challenge: Can you write a short story/scenario/Title/thought bubble about this gorgeous image. As much or as little as you want!
About the Interviews Below
As you can probably tell, these are on-going interviews. After the initial survey is taken I ask a few questions for clarification.
If you want anything asked, I'd be happy to do it, providing it's not too probing or overtly sexual in nature.
Z's latest response came through this morning. So hopefully we get more soon.
Another young man has offered to take the survey too, so hopefully there will be a new one soon.
In about a week I'll send around a desperate "my paper's deadline is soon" message. So hopefully that will draw in a few of the stragglers.
I love the fact that paddling is still so prevalent in parts of the world. If I could start my life over again, I'd totally be an administrator at a conservative military school in Mississippi.
Can I just say, how nice it is of these young men to offer to help a stranger in a foreign country to do a research paper.
I hope you all enjoy!
If you want anything asked, I'd be happy to do it, providing it's not too probing or overtly sexual in nature.
Z's latest response came through this morning. So hopefully we get more soon.
Another young man has offered to take the survey too, so hopefully there will be a new one soon.
In about a week I'll send around a desperate "my paper's deadline is soon" message. So hopefully that will draw in a few of the stragglers.
I love the fact that paddling is still so prevalent in parts of the world. If I could start my life over again, I'd totally be an administrator at a conservative military school in Mississippi.
Can I just say, how nice it is of these young men to offer to help a stranger in a foreign country to do a research paper.
I hope you all enjoy!
Interview 3
After my initial email to person three, I received the following:
Dear B,
You must forgive me but it will take me some time to answer these questions due to my busy schedule. I scanned through it however and it shouldn't be a problem to help you out on this issue. To be perfectly honest, the way you composed this message seems like a machine is behind this no offense. It's just that I've had a number of messages like this before and they turned out to be phony. If you could somehow prove to me you are a truly concerned human being I would appreciate that. I hope you don't have a time frame for this project but let me know if you need my answers by a certain date. I await your response, and you're welcome for my promptness on my previous message. I would also like to let you know I am a proud graduate of Chamberlain-Hunt Academy and even though I disagreed with a few things the administration was responsible for, I would back up the academy any day. I am grateful for what the school taught me in many aspects and for the lifetime friendships I gained. I will be in touch. Thank you.
I responded with the following:
Hi J,
Yes, I understand that my message is slightly robotic. I assure you that I am a real person and that it is not an automatically generated message. The reasons the message may seem like its created by a machine are, I have to do this for a class. I am trying to become a teacher and one of my classes forces us to do a research paper that requires a survey. It has to be about current educational issues. A lot of people are doing class size or uniforms. I think those topics are a little bit boring, so I picked something that nobody else is doing. Corporal punishment is still legal in schools in about 50% of the US states. Some schools swear by it, while others are adamently against. It's a controversial issue. I think it's only fair to ask the opinions of people who have experienced it. It's all very well to condemn it if you never went through it, but I"m interested in what people think of it if they have had it.
Another reason the language of the survey is so stilted is because I have to turn that in to my professor as part of the paper and it cannot be biased or leading. Also, I have sent the same message to everyone I am surveying for my own ease. So its a copy-paste job. Sorry. However, that does not mean that I am not truly interested in getting genuine responses. I need as many responses as possible to make a truly informed thesis for my paper.
Ideally, I'd love to just have an open conversation about individual's experiences and thoughts about corporal punishment in schools, but it needs to be regimented and quantifiable for the purposes of class. I'm hoping that people really take advantage of question 20 and really just share their ideas and opinions.
I appreciate your positive comments about Chamberlain-Hunt. I realize that corporal punishment is just one facet of the school. It is not my intention to paint your school or any others in a bad light. I am trying to remain unbiased in this project. You have my guarantee that I will not distort my results to make your school or any others look bad. For all i know, my thesis may end up being that corporal punishment is the way forward.
About deadlines, my paper is due before Christmas break. Obviously, the results should be in before then. If you have any suggestions for changes in my survey itself, those would be great as I need to turn that in in about two weeks. Also, it will affect my other surveys. Other than that, I understand that people have busy lives and I appreciate anyone taking the time to do this.
I hope this answers all your questions. Please do keep in touch.
All the best,
Ok, by now, I think you know the format:
1. Did you receive corporal punishment whilst growing up?
J: Yes, when I was younger my mom or dad would "spank" me with this homemade spanking stick made from two hot glue gun sticks.
2. If so, do you feel that corporal punishment worked for you? What sort of effects, if any, did it have on your behavior?
J: it didn't ever hurt, but i guess being nine and under it made an impression on me, that I should obey them and not do the wrong thing. I think it was the right thing at the time because nothing else would have made me think twice about what i did
3. Do you feel that corporal punishment was the best punitive option for you, or might other forms of punishment have worked better?
J: I think it was the best option because like i said, i don't think anything would have made an impression on me more. I hated getting a "spanking" but it was pretty rare i got them. I had to do something pretty bad, like talk back to my parents a lot or break something when i knew better or whatever. Honestly, it's been a while so it's kinda hard to remember. I do know that when I got taller than my mom it quickly ended.
4. How frequently did you experience corporal punishment at home or at school (rarely, monthly, weekly, etc.)?
J: At home, like I said rarely, but at this school whenever you did something really bad you would get "licks" which were paddles, normally three, with what resembles a cricket bat, but thinner.
5. Under what circumstances was corporal punishment administered? (For all offences, only major offences, etc.)
J: Only major offenses it would be major offenses, unless you were on academic profile, having less than a 2.0 If you failed a quiz or test or didn't do your homework you would get a lick or two maybe three. It always depended.
6. Do you feel that embarrassment or humiliation played a part in these punishments? Or was it strictly the infliction of pain?
J: Yes at first it was a little humiliating but then it became just "a pain in the ass" haha literally and also you just hated going and receiving them. Especially it would depend on which colonel would give you licks. There were only two men my last year that would administer them and it depended if they were really trying to get the point across to you that you shoudn't do this again, or they were just pissed because you did it or whatever.
7. Did you feel fear toward those who administered the punishments (before, during, after, always, etc.)
J: No never fear, maybe in the regards that it might hurt pretty bad because you knew you were giving tattoos to someone or you were smoking in the dorms or whatever. it always depended.
8. Where did you receive corporal punishment (at home, school, etc.) Do you feel that it was appropriate in these locations?
J: At school, and when I was a little kid at home, and yes and no about it being appropiate at school, I didn't really agree with it because essentially they are strangers and all that, but I think it's because of our opinions have changed. For example, this kind of thing was completly acceptable up until the 60's in some schools, but now we think it's just "wrong" A point to note, is that before a potential student would be accepted to CHA, the parents and student would sign a statement saying you were "ok" with corporal punishment.
9. On what portion(s) of your anatomy was corporal punishment administered? Was clothing removed or left in place during punishments? If clothing was removed, did you feel that this was appropriate?
J: Always the rear end "your bottom" never anywhere else, and yes clothing was always on lol.
10. What implements (if any) were used? (Paddle, belt, etc.) Did you feel that these were appropriate?
J: A paddle was used, and yes I guess it was appropiate versus anything else.
11. What positions were you required to adopt for the punishment (over a knee, bent over, etc.)? Did you feel that this position was appropriate?
J: Yes they made you bend over slightly and grab the corners of the desk in this one office. By the way, getting licks, was called going to "The Porch" because you would normally stand on this porch area and wait til' they told you to come in.
12. From whom did you receive corporal punishment? (Parents, teachers, etc.)
J: The colonels were the only ones allowed to give licks, and there were two my last year, three the other couple years I attended.
13. Did you ever feel that punishments were abusive or inappropriate?
J: No not abusive, sometimes inappropiate for the reasoning, but it always depended.
14. Would you use corporal punishment on your children or encourage others to use it on them?
J: I don't know yet, personally I would want to be the only one administering it at least until a certain age, but I think other forms of discipline should be brought up first, only refrain to corporal punishment if they were deliberatly disobedient over and over again, without care for what they did wrong.
15. Between what ages did you receive corporal punishment? Did you receive it more so at certain ages? Did the degree or style of punishment alter with age?
J: Well at the school it was 7th grade to 12th and anyone was subject to "licks" of course but when i was younger i would say age 5 to 9 or 10. I would have to ask my mom and dad haha.
16. Did punishments ever result in marks (redness, welts, stripes, bruises, etc.)?
J: Redness yeah but temporarily. Sometimes kids would have bruises if they were really hard licks because the colonel was pissed and wanted to get the point across, becasue my kids didn't care about licks, so they would continue to mess up and not care.
17. How many swats/strokes/slaps did you generally receive? Did it vary based on the offence?
J: 17. Yes it varied on the offense but normally 3, never more.
18. Did others witness your punishments or were they kept private? Were others aware of your punishments (as in able to hear them taking place or hear about them through word of mouth)? Was it appropriate that others saw/heard/knew about these punishments?
J: Yes they would have one witness, normally someone who worked in the office. Yes everyone knew through word of mouth or if they were on the porch as well.
19. Did you witness/hear about others being punished? Did you feel it was appropriate, if so? How did you find out about others' punishments?
J: Yeah we all knew or saw others getting licks if we were on the porch. It was fine i don't consider that inappropiate.
20. Any additional comments or beliefs that are relevant.
J: I hope that is helpful for now, I will get back to you about no. 20 soon.
Dear B,
You must forgive me but it will take me some time to answer these questions due to my busy schedule. I scanned through it however and it shouldn't be a problem to help you out on this issue. To be perfectly honest, the way you composed this message seems like a machine is behind this no offense. It's just that I've had a number of messages like this before and they turned out to be phony. If you could somehow prove to me you are a truly concerned human being I would appreciate that. I hope you don't have a time frame for this project but let me know if you need my answers by a certain date. I await your response, and you're welcome for my promptness on my previous message. I would also like to let you know I am a proud graduate of Chamberlain-Hunt Academy and even though I disagreed with a few things the administration was responsible for, I would back up the academy any day. I am grateful for what the school taught me in many aspects and for the lifetime friendships I gained. I will be in touch. Thank you.
I responded with the following:
Hi J,
Yes, I understand that my message is slightly robotic. I assure you that I am a real person and that it is not an automatically generated message. The reasons the message may seem like its created by a machine are, I have to do this for a class. I am trying to become a teacher and one of my classes forces us to do a research paper that requires a survey. It has to be about current educational issues. A lot of people are doing class size or uniforms. I think those topics are a little bit boring, so I picked something that nobody else is doing. Corporal punishment is still legal in schools in about 50% of the US states. Some schools swear by it, while others are adamently against. It's a controversial issue. I think it's only fair to ask the opinions of people who have experienced it. It's all very well to condemn it if you never went through it, but I"m interested in what people think of it if they have had it.
Another reason the language of the survey is so stilted is because I have to turn that in to my professor as part of the paper and it cannot be biased or leading. Also, I have sent the same message to everyone I am surveying for my own ease. So its a copy-paste job. Sorry. However, that does not mean that I am not truly interested in getting genuine responses. I need as many responses as possible to make a truly informed thesis for my paper.
Ideally, I'd love to just have an open conversation about individual's experiences and thoughts about corporal punishment in schools, but it needs to be regimented and quantifiable for the purposes of class. I'm hoping that people really take advantage of question 20 and really just share their ideas and opinions.
I appreciate your positive comments about Chamberlain-Hunt. I realize that corporal punishment is just one facet of the school. It is not my intention to paint your school or any others in a bad light. I am trying to remain unbiased in this project. You have my guarantee that I will not distort my results to make your school or any others look bad. For all i know, my thesis may end up being that corporal punishment is the way forward.
About deadlines, my paper is due before Christmas break. Obviously, the results should be in before then. If you have any suggestions for changes in my survey itself, those would be great as I need to turn that in in about two weeks. Also, it will affect my other surveys. Other than that, I understand that people have busy lives and I appreciate anyone taking the time to do this.
I hope this answers all your questions. Please do keep in touch.
All the best,
Ok, by now, I think you know the format:
1. Did you receive corporal punishment whilst growing up?
J: Yes, when I was younger my mom or dad would "spank" me with this homemade spanking stick made from two hot glue gun sticks.
2. If so, do you feel that corporal punishment worked for you? What sort of effects, if any, did it have on your behavior?
J: it didn't ever hurt, but i guess being nine and under it made an impression on me, that I should obey them and not do the wrong thing. I think it was the right thing at the time because nothing else would have made me think twice about what i did
3. Do you feel that corporal punishment was the best punitive option for you, or might other forms of punishment have worked better?
J: I think it was the best option because like i said, i don't think anything would have made an impression on me more. I hated getting a "spanking" but it was pretty rare i got them. I had to do something pretty bad, like talk back to my parents a lot or break something when i knew better or whatever. Honestly, it's been a while so it's kinda hard to remember. I do know that when I got taller than my mom it quickly ended.
4. How frequently did you experience corporal punishment at home or at school (rarely, monthly, weekly, etc.)?
J: At home, like I said rarely, but at this school whenever you did something really bad you would get "licks" which were paddles, normally three, with what resembles a cricket bat, but thinner.
5. Under what circumstances was corporal punishment administered? (For all offences, only major offences, etc.)
J: Only major offenses it would be major offenses, unless you were on academic profile, having less than a 2.0 If you failed a quiz or test or didn't do your homework you would get a lick or two maybe three. It always depended.
6. Do you feel that embarrassment or humiliation played a part in these punishments? Or was it strictly the infliction of pain?
J: Yes at first it was a little humiliating but then it became just "a pain in the ass" haha literally and also you just hated going and receiving them. Especially it would depend on which colonel would give you licks. There were only two men my last year that would administer them and it depended if they were really trying to get the point across to you that you shoudn't do this again, or they were just pissed because you did it or whatever.
7. Did you feel fear toward those who administered the punishments (before, during, after, always, etc.)
J: No never fear, maybe in the regards that it might hurt pretty bad because you knew you were giving tattoos to someone or you were smoking in the dorms or whatever. it always depended.
8. Where did you receive corporal punishment (at home, school, etc.) Do you feel that it was appropriate in these locations?
J: At school, and when I was a little kid at home, and yes and no about it being appropiate at school, I didn't really agree with it because essentially they are strangers and all that, but I think it's because of our opinions have changed. For example, this kind of thing was completly acceptable up until the 60's in some schools, but now we think it's just "wrong" A point to note, is that before a potential student would be accepted to CHA, the parents and student would sign a statement saying you were "ok" with corporal punishment.
9. On what portion(s) of your anatomy was corporal punishment administered? Was clothing removed or left in place during punishments? If clothing was removed, did you feel that this was appropriate?
J: Always the rear end "your bottom" never anywhere else, and yes clothing was always on lol.
10. What implements (if any) were used? (Paddle, belt, etc.) Did you feel that these were appropriate?
J: A paddle was used, and yes I guess it was appropiate versus anything else.
11. What positions were you required to adopt for the punishment (over a knee, bent over, etc.)? Did you feel that this position was appropriate?
J: Yes they made you bend over slightly and grab the corners of the desk in this one office. By the way, getting licks, was called going to "The Porch" because you would normally stand on this porch area and wait til' they told you to come in.
12. From whom did you receive corporal punishment? (Parents, teachers, etc.)
J: The colonels were the only ones allowed to give licks, and there were two my last year, three the other couple years I attended.
13. Did you ever feel that punishments were abusive or inappropriate?
J: No not abusive, sometimes inappropiate for the reasoning, but it always depended.
14. Would you use corporal punishment on your children or encourage others to use it on them?
J: I don't know yet, personally I would want to be the only one administering it at least until a certain age, but I think other forms of discipline should be brought up first, only refrain to corporal punishment if they were deliberatly disobedient over and over again, without care for what they did wrong.
15. Between what ages did you receive corporal punishment? Did you receive it more so at certain ages? Did the degree or style of punishment alter with age?
J: Well at the school it was 7th grade to 12th and anyone was subject to "licks" of course but when i was younger i would say age 5 to 9 or 10. I would have to ask my mom and dad haha.
16. Did punishments ever result in marks (redness, welts, stripes, bruises, etc.)?
J: Redness yeah but temporarily. Sometimes kids would have bruises if they were really hard licks because the colonel was pissed and wanted to get the point across, becasue my kids didn't care about licks, so they would continue to mess up and not care.
17. How many swats/strokes/slaps did you generally receive? Did it vary based on the offence?
J: 17. Yes it varied on the offense but normally 3, never more.
18. Did others witness your punishments or were they kept private? Were others aware of your punishments (as in able to hear them taking place or hear about them through word of mouth)? Was it appropriate that others saw/heard/knew about these punishments?
J: Yes they would have one witness, normally someone who worked in the office. Yes everyone knew through word of mouth or if they were on the porch as well.
19. Did you witness/hear about others being punished? Did you feel it was appropriate, if so? How did you find out about others' punishments?
J: Yeah we all knew or saw others getting licks if we were on the porch. It was fine i don't consider that inappropiate.
20. Any additional comments or beliefs that are relevant.
J: I hope that is helpful for now, I will get back to you about no. 20 soon.
Interview 2
Me:Hi Z,
I see you go/went to Chamberlain Hunt. I'm doing a dissertation on corporal punishment (paddling) in schools and I was wondering if you'd be willing to answer a series of questions for my survey.
All the best,
Z: Yeah i would be happy to just get in touch with me, that's the whole reason i never finished my term at Chamberlain-Hunt.
Me:Hi Z,
Thanks for your quick reply and your willingness to participate in my survey. Can I ask what you mean by "the reason you never finished your term at Chamberlain Hunt? I'd be interested in hearing about that if its relevant.
Here's is the standard message I send to everyone taking my survey:
I'm doing a research paper that requires a survey. I figured that it would be possible to get a wider geographical target area by conducting the survey online. I have done research into schools that still employ corporal punishment (paddling) and that is how I found you on Facebook. I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions. Any answers given will remain anonymous. Please fill out answers as truthfully and completely as possible. If you are unsure about a question, feel free to skip it or ask for clarification. Please number your answers 1-20 to correspond to the following questions. (For the purposes of this survey, "corporal punishment" shall be interpreted as "spanking or paddling of the buttocks with the hand or an implement".)
From this point on, I will intersperse Z's answers to my survey questions:
1. Did you receive corporal punishment whilst growing up?
2. If so, do you feel that corporal punishment worked for you? What sort of effects, if any, did it have on your behavior?
I thought it was acceptable while i was growing up because it was needed.
3. Do you feel that corporal punishment was the best punitive option for you, or might other forms of punishment have worked better?
At Chamberlain hunt they used every form of punishment that i could think of and the worst was the corporal punishment.
4. How frequently did you experience corporal punishment at home or at school (rarely, monthly, weekly, etc.)?
At the age i attended CHA i didnt receive corporal punishment at home only at school and it was for every little incident including sleeping in class because we were out all night long doing PT.
5. Under what circumstances was corporal punishment administered? (For all offences, only major offences, etc.)
All offenses.
6. Do you feel that embarrassment or humiliation played a part in these punishments? Or was it strictly the infliction of pain?
7. Did you feel fear toward those who administered the punishments (before, during, after, always, etc.)
No other types of aggression.
8. Where did you receive corporal punishment (at home, school, etc.) Do you feel that it was appropriate in these locations?
Not at school i thought it was rediculous.
9. On what portion(s) of your anatomy was corporal punishment administered? Was clothing removed or left in place during punishments? If clothing was removed, did you feel that this was appropriate?
Only the behind but often got struck in the legs or in the lower back.
10. What implements (if any) were used? (Paddle, belt, etc.) Did you feel that these were appropriate?
A serious heavy-duty paddle.
11. What positions were you required to adopt for the punishment (over a knee, bent over, etc.)? Did you feel that this position was appropriate?
You were required to hold on to some handles on a door frame and if you were to let go they would start over. Absolutely not.
12. From whom did you receive corporal punishment? (Parents, teachers, etc.)
13. Did you ever feel that punishments were abusive or inappropriate?
14. Would you use corporal punishment on your children or encourage others to use it on them?
Yes as they are growing up and at a younger age but not as severe as i received.
15. Between what ages did you receive corporal punishment? Did you receive it more so at certain ages? Did the degree or style of punishment alter with age?
When I was a younger child but not as much when i got older until i attended CHA and it was nothing like I had received as a child.
16. Did punishments ever result in marks (redness, welts, stripes, bruises, etc.)?
17. How many swats/strokes/slaps did you generally receive? Did it vary based on the offence?
It did vary but it was just usually 3 licks and 50 push-ups.
18. Did others witness your punishments or were they kept private? Were others aware of your punishments (as in able to hear them taking place or hear about them through word of mouth)? Was it appropriate that others saw/heard/knew about these punishments?
Another faculty member was present.
19. Did you witness/hear about others being punished? Did you feel it was appropriate, if so? How did you find out about others' punishments?
I usually heard about it straight from that person.
20. Any additional comments or beliefs that are relevant.
No response.
Me: Hi Z,
Thanks so much for taking the time to answer these questions. I will definitely be able to use your input.
Can you explain the reason that you didn't finish your last term due to paddling?
Also, there's a few sub-questions that you missed. Would be able to say how often you got corporal punishment at school (rarely, monthly, weekly, etc.)? Also, did they make you remove clothing (drop pants or underwear) or paddle over clothes?
As always, thanks for your responses. They are very helpful.
Z: weekly but i didn't finish because i got tired of the corporal punishment and they took it to far so they had to call my mother to come get me.
Me: Did you refuse to let them paddle you, so you were expelled?
Was it giving on your bare behind or over clothes?
Z: Yes. it was over clothes.
Me: Hi Z,
Thanks, as ever, for your clarification.
Since it was over clothes, did you, or anybody else ever try "stuffing"? Extra pairs of underwear or a towel down the back of your pants?
How much notice did, if any, did you get before a paddling?
Z: Yes it was normally tried but they usually got caught.
Me: I've heard of people getting extra licks for trying to "stuff". Did that happen at CHA?
I've also heard that at some places, if you try to "stuff" and get caught they let the punishment fit the crime and paddle on the bare butt.
Z: No i just took my bullcrap punishment like a man but when i was gettin licks for falling asleep in class because they had us out so late i just got tired of it. The guys that were running the school at the time just went way to far across the line.
Me: Someone else told me that the experience of getting licks depended a lot on which colonel was giving them and the mood he was in. Do you think that is the case?
Z: Yeah I guess you could say that I could always tell if they were having a bad day which was pretty much every day.
I see you go/went to Chamberlain Hunt. I'm doing a dissertation on corporal punishment (paddling) in schools and I was wondering if you'd be willing to answer a series of questions for my survey.
All the best,
Z: Yeah i would be happy to just get in touch with me, that's the whole reason i never finished my term at Chamberlain-Hunt.
Me:Hi Z,
Thanks for your quick reply and your willingness to participate in my survey. Can I ask what you mean by "the reason you never finished your term at Chamberlain Hunt? I'd be interested in hearing about that if its relevant.
Here's is the standard message I send to everyone taking my survey:
I'm doing a research paper that requires a survey. I figured that it would be possible to get a wider geographical target area by conducting the survey online. I have done research into schools that still employ corporal punishment (paddling) and that is how I found you on Facebook. I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions. Any answers given will remain anonymous. Please fill out answers as truthfully and completely as possible. If you are unsure about a question, feel free to skip it or ask for clarification. Please number your answers 1-20 to correspond to the following questions. (For the purposes of this survey, "corporal punishment" shall be interpreted as "spanking or paddling of the buttocks with the hand or an implement".)
From this point on, I will intersperse Z's answers to my survey questions:
1. Did you receive corporal punishment whilst growing up?
2. If so, do you feel that corporal punishment worked for you? What sort of effects, if any, did it have on your behavior?
I thought it was acceptable while i was growing up because it was needed.
3. Do you feel that corporal punishment was the best punitive option for you, or might other forms of punishment have worked better?
At Chamberlain hunt they used every form of punishment that i could think of and the worst was the corporal punishment.
4. How frequently did you experience corporal punishment at home or at school (rarely, monthly, weekly, etc.)?
At the age i attended CHA i didnt receive corporal punishment at home only at school and it was for every little incident including sleeping in class because we were out all night long doing PT.
5. Under what circumstances was corporal punishment administered? (For all offences, only major offences, etc.)
All offenses.
6. Do you feel that embarrassment or humiliation played a part in these punishments? Or was it strictly the infliction of pain?
7. Did you feel fear toward those who administered the punishments (before, during, after, always, etc.)
No other types of aggression.
8. Where did you receive corporal punishment (at home, school, etc.) Do you feel that it was appropriate in these locations?
Not at school i thought it was rediculous.
9. On what portion(s) of your anatomy was corporal punishment administered? Was clothing removed or left in place during punishments? If clothing was removed, did you feel that this was appropriate?
Only the behind but often got struck in the legs or in the lower back.
10. What implements (if any) were used? (Paddle, belt, etc.) Did you feel that these were appropriate?
A serious heavy-duty paddle.
11. What positions were you required to adopt for the punishment (over a knee, bent over, etc.)? Did you feel that this position was appropriate?
You were required to hold on to some handles on a door frame and if you were to let go they would start over. Absolutely not.
12. From whom did you receive corporal punishment? (Parents, teachers, etc.)
13. Did you ever feel that punishments were abusive or inappropriate?
14. Would you use corporal punishment on your children or encourage others to use it on them?
Yes as they are growing up and at a younger age but not as severe as i received.
15. Between what ages did you receive corporal punishment? Did you receive it more so at certain ages? Did the degree or style of punishment alter with age?
When I was a younger child but not as much when i got older until i attended CHA and it was nothing like I had received as a child.
16. Did punishments ever result in marks (redness, welts, stripes, bruises, etc.)?
17. How many swats/strokes/slaps did you generally receive? Did it vary based on the offence?
It did vary but it was just usually 3 licks and 50 push-ups.
18. Did others witness your punishments or were they kept private? Were others aware of your punishments (as in able to hear them taking place or hear about them through word of mouth)? Was it appropriate that others saw/heard/knew about these punishments?
Another faculty member was present.
19. Did you witness/hear about others being punished? Did you feel it was appropriate, if so? How did you find out about others' punishments?
I usually heard about it straight from that person.
20. Any additional comments or beliefs that are relevant.
No response.
Me: Hi Z,
Thanks so much for taking the time to answer these questions. I will definitely be able to use your input.
Can you explain the reason that you didn't finish your last term due to paddling?
Also, there's a few sub-questions that you missed. Would be able to say how often you got corporal punishment at school (rarely, monthly, weekly, etc.)? Also, did they make you remove clothing (drop pants or underwear) or paddle over clothes?
As always, thanks for your responses. They are very helpful.
Z: weekly but i didn't finish because i got tired of the corporal punishment and they took it to far so they had to call my mother to come get me.
Me: Did you refuse to let them paddle you, so you were expelled?
Was it giving on your bare behind or over clothes?
Z: Yes. it was over clothes.
Me: Hi Z,
Thanks, as ever, for your clarification.
Since it was over clothes, did you, or anybody else ever try "stuffing"? Extra pairs of underwear or a towel down the back of your pants?
How much notice did, if any, did you get before a paddling?
Z: Yes it was normally tried but they usually got caught.
Me: I've heard of people getting extra licks for trying to "stuff". Did that happen at CHA?
I've also heard that at some places, if you try to "stuff" and get caught they let the punishment fit the crime and paddle on the bare butt.
Z: No i just took my bullcrap punishment like a man but when i was gettin licks for falling asleep in class because they had us out so late i just got tired of it. The guys that were running the school at the time just went way to far across the line.
Me: Someone else told me that the experience of getting licks depended a lot on which colonel was giving them and the mood he was in. Do you think that is the case?
Z: Yeah I guess you could say that I could always tell if they were having a bad day which was pretty much every day.
Friday, 20 November 2009
Military School Paddling Interviews
Hi all,
I recently read online about a military academy in Mississippi that still employs corporal punishment. After hearing about this topic, I contacted about 20 current students and recent alumni of Chamberlain Hunt Academy. I've had about ten people reply saying that they were willing to discuss their paddling experiences. Of those, only three have told me anything worth while.
Please respect the privacy of the students/alumni and do not inquire about names or attempt to contact them. I am worried that excessive contact will scare them off or alert them to our real interest in the subject. If you want more information please ask me and I will try my best to find out.
Here is a copy of the correspondence with the first (let me know if you want to see the others):
Me: Hi T,
I see you go/went to Chamberlain Hunt. I'm doing a dissertation on corporal punishment (paddling) in schools and I was wondering if you'd be willing to answer a series of questions for my survey.
All the best,
T: i don't mind answering the questions. Just let me know.
Me: Hi T,
Thanks for your quick reply and your willingness to do the survey.
I'm doing a research paper that requires a survey. I figured that it would be possible to get a wider geographical target area by conducting the survey online. I have done research into schools that still employ corporal punishment (paddling) and that is how I found you on Facebook. I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions. Any answers given will remain anonymous. Please fill out answers as truthfully and completely as possible. If you are unsure about a question, feel free to skip it or ask for clarification. Please number your answers 1-20 to correspond to the following questions. (For the purposes of this survey, "corporal punishment" shall be interpreted as "spanking or paddling of the buttocks with the hand or an implement".)
1. Did you receive corporal punishment whilst growing up?
2. If so, do you feel that corporal punishment worked for you? What sort of effects, if any, did it have on your behavior?
3. Do you feel that corporal punishment was the best punitive option for you, or might other forms of punishment have worked better?
4. How frequently did you experience corporal punishment at home or at school (rarely, monthly, weekly, etc.)?
5. Under what circumstances was corporal punishment administered? (For all offences, only major offences, etc.)
6. Do you feel that embarrassment or humiliation played a part in these punishments? Or was it strictly the infliction of pain?
7. Did you feel fear toward those who administered the punishments (before, during, after, always, etc.)
8. Where did you receive corporal punishment (at home, school, etc.) Do you feel that it was appropriate in these locations?
9. On what portion(s) of your anatomy was corporal punishment administered? Was clothing removed or left in place during punishments? If clothing was removed, did you feel that this was appropriate?
10. What implements (if any) were used? (Paddle, belt, etc.) Did you feel that these were appropriate?
11. What positions were you required to adopt for the punishment (over a knee, bent over, etc.)? Did you feel that this position was appropriate?
12. From whom did you receive corporal punishment? (Parents, teachers, etc.)
13. Did you ever feel that punishments were abusive or inappropriate?
14. Would you use corporal punishment on your children or encourage others to use it on them?
15. Between what ages did you receive corporal punishment? Did you receive it more so at certain ages? Did the degree or style of punishment alter with age?
16. Did punishments ever result in marks (redness, welts, stripes, bruises, etc.)?
17. How many swats/strokes/slaps did you generally receive? Did it vary based on the offence?
18. Did others witness your punishments or were they kept private? Were others aware of your punishments (as in able to hear them taking place or hear about them through word of mouth)? Was it appropriate that others saw/heard/knew about these punishments?
19. Did you witness/hear about others being punished? Did you feel it was appropriate, if so? How did you find out about others' punishments?
20. Any additional comments or beliefs that are relevant.
Thanks again for your time. All the best.
T: 1. Yes
2. I believe it did work. It taught me that there were consequences to my actions, consequences that would make me not want to do it again.
3. Corporal punishment was definitely the right thing for me. I needed it with all the trouble i got into. It limited how much i did things.
4. All the time! I just got into trouble a lot. Weekly I would say.
5. Most offenses required corporal punishment, however, as I got older their were more talks and groundings put in place with corporal punishment.
6. Pain to get the point across. Bible: Spare the rod spoil the child!
7. I was never afraid of the person doing the punishment I was fearful of the pain that was to come from it.
8. Home and School. I felt like for both situations, it was appropriate...Military School.
9. Sometimes at home I was required to remove my pants, this to me is unnecessary. However at my military school, the licks were good enough with pants on, which is what we did. Always spanked on the butt, however occasionally my mother would spank my hand if i did something that would pertain to things I took for example.
10. Paddle, Belt, Hand, Spoon. The purpose was to inflict pain to get the point across to not do what I did again, so the item didn't really matter in my opinion, if it made me hurt then it worked.
11. Bent over was the overall used one. At my military school I was required to put my hands on a desk and bend over.
12. Parents and Teachers.
13. No
14. I would use corporal punishment on my children because I believe they need it. Not to show others that they should use it because I do. I would encourage them verbally to, but that wouldn't be the reason behind why I did it.
15. From about 5 to the end of high school. High School was the worst because of the situations. It left large room for one to get into trouble frequently so during this age I was paddled a lot more.
16. Ha, Absolutely. Not always though.
17. It was just as long as seemed necessary for the time. At my home it varied more. School you never received more than 3 licks at a time.
18. At home it was always just me and the parent. At school they were required to have a witness in the room. And they signed a statement acknowledging that there was nothing wrong with the situation while it happened. I believe at times it was embarrassing but necessary. Liability issues.
19. Yes. I feel bad for them but know that it is a necessary thing for kids.
20. Corporal punishment was frequent in my life. I believe I am better off because of it. I will continue to use this method of teaching throughout my life, and that is exactly what it is to me, a teaching method.
Me: Thanks so much for taking the time to answer these questions and state your views on the subject. Your name will remain anonymous in my paper, but I will definitely be able to use your responses.
I was surprised that you stated that you received corporal on almost a weekly basis. Was it quite common at your school for students to get corporal punishment weekly or did you get it a lot more than most?
All the best,
T: No, I got it often but corporal punishment was administered several times during the day for various offenses. I got it every now and then but some people were an everyday kind of people.
Me: Wow, that really surprises me. I didn't realise it was used that often. Did you know people who got it nearly everyday? Did they just take it in their stride?
This, of course, begs the question if someone gets corporal punishment once a week (or day) is it really that effective of a deterent? You said it kept you from doing things that would earn you licks, yet you still got it nearly once a week.
As always, thanks for your responses. I am narrowing down my thesis and these conversations help.
T: Well, I corporal punishment at this school was also given for academic failures as well. So if you didn't do a homework assignment you could be sent to the office to get a lick and 50 push ups. Those were the most common. But I wasn't actually in there every week. However I did have my months where I never went. But this was during a 3 year period while I attended there. The people that were in the office every day were one's that really weren't bothered by the pain of licks so going to the office didn't phase them much. Certain people it worked for, others not so much.
Me: That makes sense. It's useful to know that you think it works for some and not others.
You stated that it sometimes left marks or redness. How long did the marks last and how severe were they?
T: On me the worst lasted about 4 days I'd say, maybe a little more. But i've seen some bad bruises before. They could have last a week.
I recently read online about a military academy in Mississippi that still employs corporal punishment. After hearing about this topic, I contacted about 20 current students and recent alumni of Chamberlain Hunt Academy. I've had about ten people reply saying that they were willing to discuss their paddling experiences. Of those, only three have told me anything worth while.
Please respect the privacy of the students/alumni and do not inquire about names or attempt to contact them. I am worried that excessive contact will scare them off or alert them to our real interest in the subject. If you want more information please ask me and I will try my best to find out.
Here is a copy of the correspondence with the first (let me know if you want to see the others):
Me: Hi T,
I see you go/went to Chamberlain Hunt. I'm doing a dissertation on corporal punishment (paddling) in schools and I was wondering if you'd be willing to answer a series of questions for my survey.
All the best,
T: i don't mind answering the questions. Just let me know.
Me: Hi T,
Thanks for your quick reply and your willingness to do the survey.
I'm doing a research paper that requires a survey. I figured that it would be possible to get a wider geographical target area by conducting the survey online. I have done research into schools that still employ corporal punishment (paddling) and that is how I found you on Facebook. I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions. Any answers given will remain anonymous. Please fill out answers as truthfully and completely as possible. If you are unsure about a question, feel free to skip it or ask for clarification. Please number your answers 1-20 to correspond to the following questions. (For the purposes of this survey, "corporal punishment" shall be interpreted as "spanking or paddling of the buttocks with the hand or an implement".)
1. Did you receive corporal punishment whilst growing up?
2. If so, do you feel that corporal punishment worked for you? What sort of effects, if any, did it have on your behavior?
3. Do you feel that corporal punishment was the best punitive option for you, or might other forms of punishment have worked better?
4. How frequently did you experience corporal punishment at home or at school (rarely, monthly, weekly, etc.)?
5. Under what circumstances was corporal punishment administered? (For all offences, only major offences, etc.)
6. Do you feel that embarrassment or humiliation played a part in these punishments? Or was it strictly the infliction of pain?
7. Did you feel fear toward those who administered the punishments (before, during, after, always, etc.)
8. Where did you receive corporal punishment (at home, school, etc.) Do you feel that it was appropriate in these locations?
9. On what portion(s) of your anatomy was corporal punishment administered? Was clothing removed or left in place during punishments? If clothing was removed, did you feel that this was appropriate?
10. What implements (if any) were used? (Paddle, belt, etc.) Did you feel that these were appropriate?
11. What positions were you required to adopt for the punishment (over a knee, bent over, etc.)? Did you feel that this position was appropriate?
12. From whom did you receive corporal punishment? (Parents, teachers, etc.)
13. Did you ever feel that punishments were abusive or inappropriate?
14. Would you use corporal punishment on your children or encourage others to use it on them?
15. Between what ages did you receive corporal punishment? Did you receive it more so at certain ages? Did the degree or style of punishment alter with age?
16. Did punishments ever result in marks (redness, welts, stripes, bruises, etc.)?
17. How many swats/strokes/slaps did you generally receive? Did it vary based on the offence?
18. Did others witness your punishments or were they kept private? Were others aware of your punishments (as in able to hear them taking place or hear about them through word of mouth)? Was it appropriate that others saw/heard/knew about these punishments?
19. Did you witness/hear about others being punished? Did you feel it was appropriate, if so? How did you find out about others' punishments?
20. Any additional comments or beliefs that are relevant.
Thanks again for your time. All the best.
T: 1. Yes
2. I believe it did work. It taught me that there were consequences to my actions, consequences that would make me not want to do it again.
3. Corporal punishment was definitely the right thing for me. I needed it with all the trouble i got into. It limited how much i did things.
4. All the time! I just got into trouble a lot. Weekly I would say.
5. Most offenses required corporal punishment, however, as I got older their were more talks and groundings put in place with corporal punishment.
6. Pain to get the point across. Bible: Spare the rod spoil the child!
7. I was never afraid of the person doing the punishment I was fearful of the pain that was to come from it.
8. Home and School. I felt like for both situations, it was appropriate...Military School.
9. Sometimes at home I was required to remove my pants, this to me is unnecessary. However at my military school, the licks were good enough with pants on, which is what we did. Always spanked on the butt, however occasionally my mother would spank my hand if i did something that would pertain to things I took for example.
10. Paddle, Belt, Hand, Spoon. The purpose was to inflict pain to get the point across to not do what I did again, so the item didn't really matter in my opinion, if it made me hurt then it worked.
11. Bent over was the overall used one. At my military school I was required to put my hands on a desk and bend over.
12. Parents and Teachers.
13. No
14. I would use corporal punishment on my children because I believe they need it. Not to show others that they should use it because I do. I would encourage them verbally to, but that wouldn't be the reason behind why I did it.
15. From about 5 to the end of high school. High School was the worst because of the situations. It left large room for one to get into trouble frequently so during this age I was paddled a lot more.
16. Ha, Absolutely. Not always though.
17. It was just as long as seemed necessary for the time. At my home it varied more. School you never received more than 3 licks at a time.
18. At home it was always just me and the parent. At school they were required to have a witness in the room. And they signed a statement acknowledging that there was nothing wrong with the situation while it happened. I believe at times it was embarrassing but necessary. Liability issues.
19. Yes. I feel bad for them but know that it is a necessary thing for kids.
20. Corporal punishment was frequent in my life. I believe I am better off because of it. I will continue to use this method of teaching throughout my life, and that is exactly what it is to me, a teaching method.
Me: Thanks so much for taking the time to answer these questions and state your views on the subject. Your name will remain anonymous in my paper, but I will definitely be able to use your responses.
I was surprised that you stated that you received corporal on almost a weekly basis. Was it quite common at your school for students to get corporal punishment weekly or did you get it a lot more than most?
All the best,
T: No, I got it often but corporal punishment was administered several times during the day for various offenses. I got it every now and then but some people were an everyday kind of people.
Me: Wow, that really surprises me. I didn't realise it was used that often. Did you know people who got it nearly everyday? Did they just take it in their stride?
This, of course, begs the question if someone gets corporal punishment once a week (or day) is it really that effective of a deterent? You said it kept you from doing things that would earn you licks, yet you still got it nearly once a week.
As always, thanks for your responses. I am narrowing down my thesis and these conversations help.
T: Well, I corporal punishment at this school was also given for academic failures as well. So if you didn't do a homework assignment you could be sent to the office to get a lick and 50 push ups. Those were the most common. But I wasn't actually in there every week. However I did have my months where I never went. But this was during a 3 year period while I attended there. The people that were in the office every day were one's that really weren't bothered by the pain of licks so going to the office didn't phase them much. Certain people it worked for, others not so much.
Me: That makes sense. It's useful to know that you think it works for some and not others.
You stated that it sometimes left marks or redness. How long did the marks last and how severe were they?
T: On me the worst lasted about 4 days I'd say, maybe a little more. But i've seen some bad bruises before. They could have last a week.
Mooning: Pressed Hams
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